Your Partner for glass working
FGS Frameless Glass Systems
185 Richmond Road
AU 5033 Richmond SA
Phone: +61 88 3713100
Fax: +61 88 3713122
sasalesfgs [dot] com [dot] au (e-mail) - Austria
GMG Vertriebs GmbH
Handelsstrasse 11
AT 9300 St. Veit/Glan
Phone: +43 42 1228311
Fax: +43 42 12283114
officegmg-austria [dot] com (e-mail) - BELARUS
Glastech UAB
Naujoji 140
LT 62175 Alytus
Phone: +37 52 715388
Fax: +37 31 520415
glastechglastech [dot] lt (e-mail) - BENELUX
Buvac B.V.
Raambrug 26
NL 5531 AG Bladel
Phone: +31 49 7382748
Fax: +31 49 7384950
verkoopbuvac [dot] nl (e-mail) - BRAZIL
Abrasipa Indústria de Abrasivos Ltda.
Rua Jacofer, 437
BR Sao-Paulo Brazil
Phone: +55 11 39332999
Fax: +55 11 39321720
abrasipaabrasipa [dot] com [dot] br (e-mail) - BULGARIA
Alumni SRL
Albatrosului Street BL.2, AP.3
RO 500461 Brasov
Phone: +42 68 416448
mircea [dot] bordasalm [dot] ro (e-mail) - CANADA
MPM Marc Prevost Machinery Inc.
3875, Boulevard St-Jean-Baptiste
CA Montreal, QC H1B 5V4
Phone: +15 14 6404040
Fax: +15 146401133
infompm [dot] ca (e-mail) - CHINA
Wittsburg Enterprises Company
Unit 26, 2/F
On Lai Street; Shatin
HK Hong Kong
Phone: +85 22 7429917
Fax: +85 22 7853640
welwittsburg [dot] com (e-mail) - CROATIA
K&K Provitrum GmbH
Mag. Zita Kellermayer
Färberstrasse 8
AT 2540 Bad Vöslau
Phone: +43 22 5225121410
infokkprovitrum [dot] at (e-mail) - CZECH REPUBLIC
K&K Provitrum GmbH
Mag. Zita Kellermayer
Färberstrasse 8
AT 2540 Bad Vöslau
Phone: +43 22 5225121410
infokkprovitrum [dot] at (e-mail) - DENMARK
DMT APS Diamant & Maskin-Teknik ApS
Merkurvej 2B
DK-7430 Ikast
Phone: +45 28 512820
Fax: +45 97 862524
kontordm-t [dot] dk (e-mail)
Glas X
Reparation, Salg & Service
Hulvejen 13
DK-7500 Holstebro
Phone: +45 28 921201
glasxlive [dot] dk (e-mail)
Projecta Balti AS
Sinilille Tee 1, Peetri Alevik
EE 75312 Rae Vald Harjumaa, Estonia
Phone: +372 6030 620
Fax: +372 6381 015
glastechglastech [dot] ee (e-mail) - FINLAND
Projecta Oy
Lukkosepänkatu 14
FI 20310 Turku
Phone: +35 82 7713200
infoprojecta [dot] fi (e-mail) - FRANCE
Covadis ZA Via Domitia
295, Rue du trident
FR 34740 Vendargues
Phone: +33 46 7594066
Fax: +33 67 591030
contactcovadis [dot] eu (e-mail) - GREECE
D.G. Tech P.C. - George Dikaios P.C.
6 Ipirou Str
GR 14235 Nea Ionia / Athens
Phone: +30 210 8035751-2
Fax: +30 210 8035753
georgedikaiosdgtech [dot] gr (e-mail) - HONG KONG
Wittsburg Enterprises Company
Unit 26, 2/F
On Lai Street; Shatin
HK Hong Kong
Phone: +85 22 7429917
Fax: +85 22 7853640
welwittsburg [dot] com (e-mail) - HUNGARY
K&K Provitrum GmbH
Mag. Zita Kellermayer
Färberstrasse 8
AT 2540 Bad Vöslau
Phone: +43 22 5225121410
infokkprovitrum [dot] at (e-mail) - INDIA
326, B-Block, AECS Layout,Brookefields, Kundalahalli PO
Bengaluru - 560 037
Phone: +91 80 42187117
salesswit [dot] in (e-mail) - INDONESIA
Janco Impex Pte. Ltd.
55 Toh Guan Road East
#03-02 Uni-Tech Centre
SG Singapore 608601
Phone: +65 66 650806
Fax: +65 66 650155
janicejancoimpex [dot] com [dot] sg (e-mail)
Si.Ste Trading srl
Via Lega Lombarda no. 38
IT 24040 Bonate Sopra
Phone: +39 35 4947048
Fax: +39 35 4947054
infosisteitaly [dot] it (e-mail) - KOREA
Selim Corporation
Selim Bldg, Room 301
9, Gonghang-Daero 48-gil,
KR 157-92 8 Gangseo-Gu
Phone: +82 22 6065380
Fax: +82 22 6065382
selim770naver [dot] com (e-mail) - LITHUANIA
Glastech UAB
Naujoji 140-302
LT 62175 Alytus
Phone: +37 52 715388
Fax: +37 31 520415
donatas [dot] jakutisglastech [dot] lt (e-mail) - MALAYSIA
Ebcotech Machinery Sdn. Bhd.
Bandar Sri Damansara
No.1, Jalan Gangsa SD5/3A
MY 52200 Kuala Lumpur
Phone: +60-362806226
brianebco2u [dot] com [dot] my (e-mail) - NORWAY
Trond T. Wikant A.S.
Postbox 338
NO 1401 Ski
Phone: +47 64 914520
Fax: +47 64 914521
firmawikant [dot] no (e-mail) - PHILIPPINES
Janco Impex Pte. Ltd.
55 Toh Guan Road East
#03-02 Uni-Tech Centre
SG Singapore 608601
Phone: +65 66 650806
Fax: +65 66 650155
janicejancoimpex [dot] com [dot] sg (e-mail)
Dytec Consulting
Andrzej Slota
UL. Powstancow SL 82/44
PL 53-333 Wroclaw
Phone: +48 71 7805277
Fax: +48 71 3672708
a-slotawp [dot] pl (e-mail)
Diament Sp.z.o.o.
Ul. Budowlana 17
PL 88-100 Inowroclaw
Phone: +48 52 353 379138
ordersdiament [dot] com [dot] pl (e-mail) - ROMANIA
Alumni SRL
Albatrosului Street BL.2, AP.3
RO 500461 Brasov
Phone: +42 68 416448
mircea [dot] bordasalm [dot] ro (e-mail) - SERBIA
K&K Provitrum GmbH
Mag. Zita Kellermayer
Färberstrasse 8
AT 2540 Bad Vöslau
Phone: +43 22 5225121410
infokkprovitrum [dot] at (e-mail) - SINGAPORE
Janco Impex Pte. Ltd.
55 Toh Guan Road East
SG Singapore 608601
AT 2540 Bad Vöslau
Phone: +65 66 650806
Fax: +65 66 650155
janicejancoimpex [dot] com [dot] sg (e-mail)
K&K Provitrum GmbH
Mag. Zita Kellermayer
Färberstrasse 8
AT 2540 Bad Vöslau
Phone: +43 22 5225121410
infokkprovitrum [dot] at (e-mail) - SLOVENIA
K&K Provitrum GmbH
Mag. Zita Kellermayer
Färberstrasse 8
AT 2540 Bad Vöslau
Phone: +43 22 5225121410
infokkprovitrum [dot] at (e-mail) - SOUTH AFRICA
Ingilassi Technology and Services (PTY) Ldt.
267 Marais Street
ZA 0181 Pretoria
Phone: +27 82 2244488
jasperitsafrica [dot] net (e-mail) - SPAIN
POMDI – Herramientas de Diamante SA
Camino de Villanueva 20
ES 28880 Meco (Madrid)
Phone: +34 91 8860061
Fax: +34 91 8860086
infopomdi [dot] com (e-mail)
Solutec Glass S.L.
Paseo Landabarri 3
ES 48940 Leioa, Vizcaya
Phone: +34 946 00 22 11
Fax: +34 944 66 88 55
infosolutecglass [dot] com (e-mail) - SWEDEN
Maba Maskin Nordic AB
Sadelvägen 4
30262 Halmstad
Phone: +35 13 55 90
infomaba [dot] se (e-mail) - SWITZERLAND
K&K Provitrum GmbH
Mag. Zita Kellermayer
Färberstrasse 8
AT 2540 Bad Vöslau
Phone: +43 22 5225121410
infokkprovitrum [dot] at (e-mail) - TAIWAN
Wittsburg Enterprises Company
Unit 26, 2/F
On Lai Street; Shatin
HK Hong Kong
Phone: +85 22 7429917
Fax: +85 22 7853640
welwittsburg [dot] com (e-mail) - THAILAND
Bl Brother Co. Ltd.
#66, 3rd Floor, Soi Ram Intra 99
Th 10230 Bangkok Kannayo Kan
Phone: +66 25 4016671670
Fax: +66 25 40 16671870
boonchoobl-brother [dot] com (e-mail) - TURKEY
Elmas Kimya San.Ve Tic. A.S.
Deliklikaya Mah. Alpdag Cad. No. 97 Arnavutkoy Instanbul Turkiye
Phone: +90 212 5447172
Fax: +90 212 5010073
elmaskimyasuperonline [dot] com (e-mail) - UKRAINE
Glasser Ltd.
Grigorenko Str. 9/18
UA 01054 Kiev
Phone: +38 50 7072328
Fax: +38 63 2479895
info [dot] glassergmail [dot] com (e-mail) - UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (UAE)
Jolico Trading FZC
P.O.Box 16111
AE Ras Al Khaimah
Phone: +97 12 6432429
Fax: +97 12 6432429
infojolicotrading [dot] com (e-mail)
Gulf Star International (FZC)
P.O. Box 8545
NE-1/16 Saif Zone
AE Sharjah
Phone: +97 16 5571977
Fax: +97 16 5571922
infogulfstarintl [dot] com (e-mail)
Merint L.L.C.
Umm Hurreir, Oud Metha Road
AE Dubai
Phone: +97 14 8819454
Fax: +97 14 8812467
merintmerint [dot] com (e-mail) - UNITED KINGDOM (UK)
Finishing Aids & Tools Ltd.
Little End Road
Industrial Estate
GB PE19 8GFSt. Neots, Cambs.
Phone: +44 14 80216060
Fax: +44 14 80405989
salesfinaids [dot] com (e-mail) - USA
Matodi USA LLC
7206 Cessna Drive
US 27409 Greensboro NC
Phone: +13 36 6682300
Fax: +13 36 6682020
salesmatodiusa [dot] com (e-mail)
IGP Tools, Accessoiries and Services
1477 Connelly Springs Road
US Lenoir NC 28645
Phone: +18 28 7285338
Fax: +18 28 7289613
salesigptools [dot] com (e-mail)
De Gorter Inc.
5623 Cannon Drive
US 28110 Monroe, NC.
Phone: +17 04 2822055
Fax: +17 04 2258290
petedegorter [dot] com (e-mail) - VIETNAM
Hong Loi Co., Ltd.
30 Nguyen Van Cu Str. Distr. 1
VN Ho Chi Minh City
Phone: +84 83 9207552
Fax: +84 83 9207553
hongloicohcm [dot] vnn [dot] vn (e-mail)